101 Fulfilled Islamic Prophecies | Part 2
This is a two-part article. Click here to read part 1.
Released on May 29, 2021.
Here is part 2 of the 101 Fulfilled Islamic Prophecies list, this part containing the final 51 prophecies. We will count from 1 to 51.
With that aside, let us begin.
The appearance of a Fire from Hijaz which would illuminate the necks of the camels of Busra.
The extension of the inhabitants of Medina.
The Prophet (ﷺ) prophesied that the inhabitants of Medina would extend to reach the area of Ihab or Yahab which are miles away from the original area of the city of Medina [2]. Now, Medinas inhabitants extend to these areas and further.
The Muslim conquest of Greater Syria
“One of the greatest hardships to befall Muhammad was the Battle of the Trench. In the year 627 CE, a coalition army of pagan Arabs, numbering 10,000 men, attacked the only Muslim city in the world at the time, Medina. This was a good opportunity for the enemies of Islam to wipe out Muslims from the face of the earth. The Muslims were outnumbered three to one, and for two whole weeks they were under siege….
Shortly before the battle commenced, whilst the Muslims were digging a trench around the city of Medina in preparation for the impending attack, when they were facing impossible odds and were staring in the face of certain defeat, Muhammad made a bold prediction:”
The Prophet (ﷺ) then prophesied that the Muslims would conquer Greater Syria, as well as
The Muslim conquest of Persia, and
The Muslim conquest of Yemen. [3]
“Muhammad (ﷺ) made the astonishing claim that the Muslims would not only take the lands of Yemen and Greater Syria, which was under the occupation of the Roman empire, but that they would also defeat the mighty Persian empire, one of the world’s great superpowers.”.
When the Prophet (ﷺ) spoke about the Muslims conquering Persia, one of the companions was shocked. This is because it seemed impossible for the tiny Muslim state to defeat the world superpowers of the time. However, within a decade of the Prophets (ﷺ) death, this all came true.
“The astonishing way that the Muslims defeated the superpowers captured the world by surprise, as historian Barnaby Rogerson explains:
"You have to remember, that the two great superpowers were the Byzantine empire [Eastern Roman empire] and Sassanid Persia, they were the dominant powers. If you’re putting it in a modern parlance it’s a bit like the Eskimos taking on the United States of America and Russia”.”. [4]
Ali will fight the Khawarij.
As spoken about in the first article, Ali and Mu’awiyah became leaders of the two groups of Muslims that split at the time. The Prophet (ﷺ) had prophesied this split beforehand, but also implicitly mentioned that Ali would be closer to the truth. This is unanimously accepted by Muslim scholars.
This is important here because the Prophet (ﷺ) also prophesied that the Khawarij would be fought by “the group closest to the truth”, i.e. Ali and those with him [5].
Additionally, the Prophet (ﷺ) said, "… [Dhul-Khuwaisira, father of the Khawarij] has companions who pray and fast in such a way that you will consider your fasting negligible in comparison to theirs. They recite Qur'an but it does not go beyond their throats (i.e. they do not act on it) and they will desert Islam as an arrow goes through a victim's body, so that the hunter, on looking at the arrow's blade, would see nothing on it… The sign by which they will be recognized is that among them there will be a black man, one of whose arms will resemble a woman's breast or a lump of meat moving loosely. Those people will appear when there will be differences amongst the people." [6].
Abu Sa’id al-Khudri said, “I testify that I heard this narration from Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) and I testify that `Ali bin Abi Talib fought with such people [the Khawarij], and I was in his company. He ordered that the man should be looked for. The man was brought and I looked at him and noticed that he looked exactly as the Prophet (ﷺ) had described him.”
Thus, Ali was prophesied to fight the Khawarij, which came to pass. Adding onto that, there is also a second prophecy here which came true, which is that
There will be a man amongst the Khawarij with the above traits.
The caliphate will be for thirty years, then there will be a monarchy after that.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "The Caliphate will be in my Ummah for thirty years, then there will be monarchy after that.”
Abu Bakr ruled for approximately two years, then Umar for ten, then Uthman for twelve, then Ali for five, then after Hassan ruled for a while, he gave Mu’awiyah leadership and the Umayyad dynasty came.
Safinah, the narrator of this hadith who was a companion of the Prophet (ﷺ), said to Sa’id, “Count the Caliphate of Abu Bakr,” then he said: “Count the Caliphate of 'Umar and the Caliphate of 'Uthman.” Then he said to me: “Count the Caliphate of 'Ali.", then Sa’id said: "So we found that they add up to thirty years." [7].
Ibn al-Arabi al-Maliki (not the heretic) said, “And the promise of the Truthful (ﷺ) came to pass… [the period of the caliphate] neither exceeded nor fell short a day, so glory be to the All-Encompassing; there is no other Lord but He.” [8].
A great murderer would be born from Thaqif.
One of the companions of the Prophet (ﷺ), Abdullah ibn Zubair, was crucified on the road from Medina to Mecca by the tyrant king Hajjaj ibn Yusuf. Hajjaj was a Thaqafi and had killed many of the companions. After a while, Zubairs corpse was thrown into the graveyard of the Jews as an insult towards him. Feeling proud with his sin, Hajjaj called for Zubairs mother, Asma’, to come meet him. She refused multiple times, and his ego was hurt. So he went to her instead.
Hajjaj went to the mother of Zubair and boasted, “What do you think of what I’ve done to the enemy of Allah?”. She replied, “I think that you’ve destroyed his worldly life and destroyed your own afterlife.”. Then, she narrated something she heard from the Prophet (ﷺ), “The Prophet (ﷺ) told us that from Thaqif, there would be born a great liar and great murderer. The liar we have seen, and as far as the murderer is concerned, I do not find anyone else besides you.”. Hajjaj then got up and left with no reply [9].
A great liar would be born from Thaqif.
As mentioned in the previous prophecy, a great liar was prophesied to come from Thaqif (a tribe). The question is, who is this great liar? Asma’ knew who it was while she spoke to Hajjaj and it was al-Mukhtar al-Thaqafi.
Mukhtar deceived many people and gathered a following before telling them that Gabriel is bringing him revelation. Eventually, Mukhtar became bold enough to proclaim prophethood. Mukhtar brought a lot of trouble to the Muslims due to his cunning deceit. His deceit eventually brought the Kaysaniyya sect, and his lies still lives on today as the Shia fell for his tricks and see him as a good man despite his evil.
Interest will become so widespread that even the one who tries to avoid it will still feel its consequences.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “A time will come upon people in which they will consume usury.” It was said, “All of the people?”. The Prophet (ﷺ) replied, “Whoever does not consume it will be affected by its dust.” [10].
“This clearly describes the state of the world economy today. As Muhammad predicted, in the modern world it is virtually impossible to avoid dealing with, or at the very least being impacted by, interest. Just think about how many people have interest-bearing bank accounts, buy things using credit cards, and are only able to afford to purchase a home through an interest-based mortgage.
Even if one somehow manages to avoid dealing in interest directly, almost every aspect of our lives is impacted by it. Virtually every country in the world, even those considered to be wealthy, is drowning in interest-based debt. The United States, for example, is currently wrestling with a debt of trillions of dollars. Central banks influence the purchasing power of our money, and the financial system even suffered a global collapse in 2008 because of the widespread practice of buying and selling interest-based financial debt. This was a disaster which has plunged the world into economic turmoil, the consequences of which will be felt for generations to come.” [11]
It would be quite odd to hear this at the time of the Prophet (ﷺ), especially considering the fact that Muslims cannot do interest at all in any form. This, along with how the Prophet (ﷺ) said the Muslims would control a lot of land makes interest being widespread unlikely.
One of the factors that allowed interest to flourish and spread this much was the removal of the Gold Standard. Governments can now print as much money as they like and utilize interest to profit off of loans.
Killing will increase.
Another one of the prophecies from Muhammad (ﷺ) is the increase of killing [12].
Once again, there seems to be a paradox because literacy was prophesied to increase (Check part one to see that prophecy), but now we also hear of the increase of killing. How could people become educated yet kill each other so much? Yet this has been our reality and continues to be so. The historian Niall Ferguson notes this paradox of our modern age:
“Why? What made the twentieth century, and particularly the fifty years from 1904 until 1953, so bloody? That this era was exceptionally violent may seem paradoxical. After all, the hundred years after 1900 were a time of unparalleled progress.” [13]
People will pray in the mosque without a single believer amongst them.
The Prophet (ﷺ) told us that, “An age will surely come when people gather and pray in the mosques, while there is not a single believer amongst them.” [14].
“Al-Dhahabi, may Allah have mercy on him, said: “Its meaning is any believer who is complete in faith. He meant that there is no believer among them who is free from hypocrisy, in the sense that they do not engage in the characteristics of hypocrisy, such as habitual lying, betrayal, breaking promises, immorality, treachery, and other such traits. Today, we see groups of people, from the nomads of the state, gathering in the mosque, and there is not a single true believer among them — and indeed, we are among them.””[Al-Magrawi, The Encyclopedia of the Stances of the Salaf in Creed, Methodology, and Education / جهنملاو ةديقعلا يف فلسلا فقاوم ةعوسوم باتك ةيبرتلاو vol. 8, p. 282.]
Some Muslim tribes will unite with the idolators and become one of them.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "The Hour shall not be established until tribes of my Ummah unite with the idolaters, and until they worship idols.” [15].
There are many examples of Muslim tribes uniting with idolators and becoming one of them throughout history, and one of the specific tribes was mentioned beforehand. Click here to read about “Dhul-Khalasa Prophecy”.
The seemingly tragic Treaty of Hudaibiya would end up as a “clear victory” for the Muslims.
After the Muslims were tortured in Mecca for a decade, they were eventually forced to migrate out of the city. The main hub of the Muslims then became Medina. However, the pagans who stole from, tortured, and killed Muslims in Mecca were not happy yet, as they still attacked the Muslims even after their migration. The Muslims began to fight back and took back some of their stolen wealth, but they were still weak. Taking advantage of their weakness, the pagans forced the Muslims into a treaty which saddened them, as it ordered the Muslims to send any Muslim fleeing Mecca back into pagan hands.
During the aftermath of what seemed to be a major setback for the Muslims, Surah al-Fath was revealed.
“Indeed, We have given you a clear victory, that Allah may forgive you your sins of the past and the future” [Qur’an 48:1-2] [16]
Although it may have seemed paradoxical how such a treaty would end up as a victory, the future events highlight it clearly.
The Muslims who were being tortured by the pagans in Mecca and forced to stay, one of them being Abu Jandal, banded together and fought back. Panicking, the pagans asked the Prophet (ﷺ) to tell them to stop. In return, they would revoke the part of the treaty that disallowed the Muslims to flee from Mecca [17].
The Treaty of Hudaibiya went from a setback to a victory, as the treaty also had a peace period of 10 years in it. From this, the Muslims were finally allowed to move around Arabia without constant threat from the Pagans of Mecca. Great benefits came to the Muslims because of this. Ibn Kathir says in his tafsir for the beginning of Surah al-Fath:
“[The Treaty of Hudaibiya] resulted in great goodness, including people embracing Islam in large crowds and having the chance to meet each other openly. During that time, the believers preached to the idolaters and thus beneficial knowledge and faith spread all around.”
The first wife of the Prophet (ﷺ) to pass after him will be the most generous.
Some of the wives of the Prophet (ﷺ) asked him, "Who amongst us will be the first to follow you (i.e. die after you)?" He said, "Whoever has the longest hand.".
Aisha then says, “It was the hand of Zainab that was the longest amongst them, as she used to work with her hand and spend (that income) on charity.” and Zainab was the first wife of the Prophet (ﷺ) to pass after him [18].
The Qur’an will be preserved.
“It is certainly We Who have revealed the Reminder, and it is certainly We Who will preserve it.” [Qur’an 15:9]
In contrast to books like the Bible, which still has Christian scholars debating on the authenticity of certain verses, the Qur’an is preserved and has no debate amongst Muslims on any verse being a fabrication or not.
To show the contrast, let’s look at one of the multiple verses that are debated in the Bible. The story of the Adultress in the Bible (Pericope Adulterae). Chris Keith, professor of New Testament and Early Christianity says this about the story:
“Interestingly enough, the earliest manuscripts of the Gospel of John do not contain this beloved passage. Indeed, the first manuscript to contain the story is from around 400 C.E… The majority of scholars believe a later Christian scribe inserted the passage into John’s Gospel…” [Reference].
However, to the dismay of those who wish otherwise, the Qur’an is clearly preserved. Although the Qur’an was transmitted orally and not through manuscripts, we can still use manuscripts to prove the Qur’ans preservation.
“The Qur’an of Uthman” at the Topkapi Museum in Istanbul has more than 99% of the Qur’an in text and dates to around 100 AH.
“Codex Mashhad” has >90% of the Qur’anic text and is dated to originate within the first century Hijrah. There are many many more manuscripts that prove my point, some being dated to the lifetime of the Prophet (ﷺ), but you can see more here as I won’t list off dozens of manuscripts here.
This is one of the reasons why the Muslims are unanimous in agreement about the authenticity of every verse in the Qur’an, which many other groups cannot say about their own scripture. This is also proof that the Qur’an was prophesied to be preserved and that this prophecy was fulfilled.
Muslims will use intoxicants and justify it by calling them another name.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “People from my nation (i.e. the Muslims) will certainly consume khamr, calling it by another name.” [19].
Khamr is anything that intoxicates the user, but it usually refers to wine in Arabic. Due to this, people in the past justified drinking alcoholic drinks by saying “It’s not really khamr”, calling it another name and falling into the exact trick the Prophet (ﷺ) warned us of. Now, we have it even worse. People take drugs and then say “Only alcohol is prohibited, not drugs.” because, once again, khamr usually refers to wine. So this prophecy has come true in the past and still rings true today.
There will be people who abuse others with multi-flailed whips.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “There are two kinds of people among the denizens of Hell whom I have not seen yet…”, one being “people having whips like the tails of an ox, [unjustly] beating people.” [20].
Notice how the Prophet (ﷺ) had never seen this kind of person before, and now this is a common image in our minds. Two of the most prominent examples of this type of person are the abusive police force in the past and the American slave owners, both beating those they had authority over with whips like the tails of ox, i.e. multi-flailed whips.
Al-Nawawi said: “With regard to those who would have whips, they are those who work for the police.” [21].
Al-Sakhaawi said: “They are now the helpers of the oppressors, and usually it refers to the worst group around the ruler.” [22].
The wind that brought news.
Jabir reported that the Prophet (ﷺ) came back from a journey, and as he was near Medina, there was such a violent gale that the mountain seemed to be pressed. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “This wind has brought news of the death of a hypocrite.”. As they reached Medina, they were told a notorious hypocrite from amongst the hypocrites had died [23].
The notorious hypocrite was Rifa’ah bin Zayd, an influential Jew who pretended to be Muslim to try and destroy Islam from within.
The next four prophecies are all in one hadith:
In an authentic hadith, the Prophet (ﷺ) said, "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful.” [24].
From this, we see that,
1. Muslims will say fornication is permissible,
2. Muslims will say men wearing silk is permissible,
3. Muslims will say Khamr (intoxicants) are permissible, and finally
4. Muslims will say musical instruments are permissible.
One of the biggest culprits are the Hadith rejectors, which I spoke about in the first part. These people who only refer to the Qur’an and reject hadith claim that the matters in prophecies 22, 23, and 24 (2, 3, 4) are not prohibited in the Qur’an so they’re permissible.
However, you will even see this happen outside of those that reject Hadiths. For example, some use intoxicants and refer to them by another name to justify it (3, See prophecy #18). Some others reject this hadith and say that it is not authentic, and so they say music is permissible (4). This is despite the hadith having a separate authentic chain, as well as a past consensus on the impermissibility of most musical instruments. There are even some others who say a Muslim woman can marry a Christian man, even though that “marriage” is null and will be fornication in all cases (1)!
More examples are out there, but I will stop here.
The Muslims will conquer Egypt, along with some advice about it.
Abu Dharr reported the Prophet (ﷺ) as saying:
“You will soon conquer Egypt... So when you conquer it, treat its inhabitants well, for they have a right of kinship upon you. And when you see two persons falling into dispute amongst themselves for the space of a brick, then get out of that land.”. Abu Dharr said: I saw Abd al-Rahman bin Shurahbil and his brother Rabi'a disputing with one another for the space of a brick. So I left that land [25].
Constantinople will be conquered by the Muslims before Rome.
Someone asked the Prophet (ﷺ), “Which city will be conquered first, Constantinople or Rome?”, and the Prophet (ﷺ) replied, “The city of Heraclius will be liberated first.”, meaning Constantinople [26].
800 years later, Constantinople was conquered by the Muslims, and Rome is yet to be liberated.
The Muslims will fall into the same traps as the Jews and Christians.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "You will follow the ways of those nations who were before you, span by span and cubit by cubit (i.e., inch by inch) so much so that even if they entered a hole of a lizard, you would follow them." The companions said, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! Do you mean the Jews and the Christians?" He said, "Who else?" [27].
So some Muslims will end up following the Jews and Christians in their deviances even in what is dangerous and clearly prohibited. This is an incredibly profound hadith that describes many of the deviances of the Muslims throughout history and you will see how true it is even today.
One prominent example that has happened in the past and is still somewhat prominent today is praying to Saints and Prophets. The Orthodox and Catholic Christians pray to their saints and even have certain saints for certain things they want. This is what the Shias do today, among other groups who have fallen into this trap.
However, an example that is especially telling is something that has, as far as I know, only happened recently. Some Christians and Jews in the West have distorted their book and said that homosexuality is not prohibited in their religion. The exact excuse they use when the story of Lutt (Job) is brought up is to say that “It’s not about homosexuality, it’s about r~pe!”. Amazingly, some Muslims are now saying that homosexuality is not prohibited in Islam. Their excuse? The exact same as the Christians and Jews: “The story of Lutt is about r~pe and not homosexuality.”.
Muslims will adorn their mosques and compete with them like the Jews and Christian.
Another one of the ways that the Muslims followed the Jews and Christians was the adornment of their places of worship.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “The Last Hour will not come until people compete with one another about mosques.” [28], and Ibn Abbas said about this prophecy, “You will adorn your mosques like the Jews and Christians did.”.
Authority will be given to those who do not deserve it.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “When trust is lost, then wait for the Hour.” Abu Huraira said, “How is the trust lost, O Messenger of Allah?” The Prophet said, “When authority is given to those who do not deserve it, then wait for the Hour.”[29].
People will start decorating their houses like clothes.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "The Final Hour will not come until people build houses which are designed like colored garments." [30], i.e. dyed and painted with designs and colors.
To understand this fully, compare what the Prophets (ﷺ) house looked like to what we have now. People’s homes in the past were simple and almost colorless, as dye and paint were expensive and hard to come by. Now, both of those are easily accessible and commercially available for a relatively cheap price. That is why this description was not accurate in the past, but it is today.
Security will come to the previously dangerous Arab lands.
Narrated `Adi bin Hatim:
While I was in the city of the Prophet (ﷺ), a man came and complained to him of destitution and poverty. Then another man came and complained of robbery by highwaymen. The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Adi! Have you been to Al-Hira?" I said, "I haven't been to it, but I was informed about it." He said, "If you live long [enough], you will see a woman travel on camelback from al-Hira till she circles the Ka‘ba while not fearing anyone but Allah." I said to myself, "What will happen to the robbers of the tribe of Tai who have spread evil throughout the country?" The Prophet (ﷺ) further said. "If you should live long, the treasures of Khosrau will be and taken as spoils." I asked, "You mean Khosrau, son of Hurmuz?" He said, "Khosrau, son of Hurmuz.”.
‘Adi then speaks about what happened later in his life: “I have in fact seen a woman travel on camelback from al-Hira till she circled the Ka‘ba while not fearing anyone but Allah, and I was among those who conquered the treasures of Chosroes, the son of Hurmuz.” [31].
Obesity/fatness will spread amongst Muslims.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “The best of my nation is the generation among whom I was sent, then those who follow them, then there shall appear people who testify while their testimony was not sought, who are treacherous, not trusted, and fatness shall spread among them." [32].
The Muslim Gulf countries today are some of the most obese in the world. According to World Population Review, the UAE has a ~32% obesity rate and Kuwait has a -37% obesity rate.
Also, Kuwait is the fourth most obese country with an average BMI of 30, and Kuwait’s rate of obesity is even higher than the US rate of obesity.
Islam will become a global religion.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “This matter will certainly reach every place touched by the night and day. Allah will not leave a house of mud or [even] fur except that Allah will cause this religion to enter it, by which the honorable will be honored and the disgraceful will be disgraced. Allah will honor the honorable with Islam and he will disgrace the disgraceful with unbelief” [33].
One-fourth of the Earth’s population is now Muslim, and Islam is predicted to continue to rise despite people’s attempts otherwise. Not only is Islam the fastest-growing religion on Earth right now, but other religions are failing. According to Pew Research, Christianity is predicted to lose 66 million followers in 30 years purely from religious switching, while Muslims are expected to gain more than 3 million followers due to conversion alone.
People still stop greeting each other in the street, saving their greetings only for those they know.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Verily, before the Final Hour, people will only greet those that they know.” [34].
For those that have been born into this modern world, this may seem normal, but it is not. If you go to areas that have older folk, you will likely notice that even strangers smile at you and say greet you. In contrast, younger people walk by you without a glance. This prophecy exactly describes the social situation we are in today, and you can still see how things used to be.
Trade will increase until the woman helps her husband in it.
The Prophet (ﷺ) told us that one of the signs of the Hour is, “Business will become so widespread and extensive that even the wife will begin to assist her husband in it [i.e. in amassing wealth].” [34].
The issue between Ali and Aisha, and advice to Ali.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said to ‘Ali, “There will be an issue between you and Aisha.” He said, “Me, O Messenger of Allah?” He said, “Yes.” He said, “Me?!” He said, “Yes.” He said, “Then I would be the worst of them (i.e. the worst of people).” He said, “No, but when this occurs, return her to her safe quarters.” [35].
It then came to pass that an issue broke out between the armies of Ali and Aisha in the Battle of the Camel, although both of them were trying to reach a peaceful conclusion. Ali was shocked that such a thing would happen, but of course as the Prophet (ﷺ) said, it happened anyways.
People will sever links with their relatives.
The Prophet (ﷺ) told us that one of the signs of the Hour is that, “Familial links will be cut.” [34].
Those who are aware of what’s happening in the West know how much things have changed in regards to familial ties. The emphasis on close familial ties is now disappearing, and an individualist philosophy has overtaken the West. The family unit has been attacked, and it’s normal to cut ties with one’s family completely now. In fact, the go-to solution that I have seen from most Westerners when it comes to a troublesome family is to either cut ties with them completely, or throw them in a care home and then cut ties with them completely.
False testimony will appear and true testimony will be concealed.
Another sign of the Hour the Prophet (ﷺ) told us about is that, “False testimony will appear and true testimony will be concealed.” [34].
The Muslims will be ruled by 12 Caliphs from Quraish, and things will decline from then.
Jabir bin Samura said:
I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say, “Islam will continue to be triumphant until there have been twelve Caliphs.” and that all of these Caliphs will be from the tribe of Quraish [36].
This means that there would be twelve rulers from Quraish amongst the Muslims, and once they pass, the state of the Muslims will decline. This does not mean that all of these twelve rulers will be just, however, but that the Muslims will be united and strong under them.
Ibn Taymiyyah said,
“This is how they were: the caliphs were Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthmaan and ‘Ali. Then there came to power whoever the people rallied behind and were able to hold the reins of power: Mu‘aawiyah and his son Yazeed, then ‘Abd al-Malik and his four sons; and then ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-‘Azeez (making twelve in total).
After that, the Islamic state was beset by the decline that has continued until the present. The Umayyads ruled all the Muslim lands, and during their era the Islamic state was powerful…
One of them would be the one who led the people in offering the five daily prayers, handed out banners in the mosque (to the armies setting out on expeditions), and appoint commanders, but he would live in his own house; they did not live in palaces or remain aloof from the common people.” [37].
The disbelievers would not attack Muslims after the Battle of the Trench.
Narrated Sulaiman bin Surd:
When the clans were driven away [after the Battle of the Trench], I heard the Prophet (ﷺ) saying, "From now onwards we will go to attack them (i.e. the Pagans and Jews who fought the Muslims at the time) and they will not come to attack us, but we will go to them." [38].
The Prophet (ﷺ) knew what would come to pass, as the Battle of the Trench was one of the pivotal moments of Islamic history. After it, the Muslims stopped being the ones in a weaker position of power and the Muslims would initiate the battles, one of them being the Conquest of Mecca (although it was barely a battle since there was little fighting). It ended with the Muslims enacting a rule of justice on those around them, as the Muslims were given authority over the rest.
The Muslims will fight with one another after their first conquests.
Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas reported that the Prophet (ﷺ) said:
“How would you be, O people, when Persia and the Byzantines would be conquered for you?” `Abd ar-Rahman ibn Auf said, “We would say as Allah has commanded us and we would express our gratitude to Allah.”. The Prophet (ﷺ) replied, “Nothing else besides it? You would (in fact) compete with one another, then you would feel jealous, then your relations would be estranged and then you will bear enmity against one another. Then you would go to the poor emigrants and would make some the masters of the others.” [39].
Hatibs’ letter to the polytheists.
Ali, Zubair, and Abu Marthad were once called by the Prophet (ﷺ) and told, “Go to Raudat Hajj, there will be a woman carrying a letter from Hatib to the Pagans, bring that letter to me.”. The three went off on their horses and found a woman in that same place on a camel, so they stopped her. “Where is the letter?” Ali asked, and the woman replied, “I don’t have any letter.”. Her luggage was searched and nothing was found, so the others said to Ali, “We think she doesn’t have a letter.” to which Ali replied, “We know the Prophet (ﷺ) has not lied to us.”
Eventually, the woman broke and gave them the letter, which they brought back to the Prophet (ﷺ) [40].
The Jews would be expelled from Khaibar.
Although some Jews during the time of the Prophet (ﷺ) fulfilled their trusts and contracts, some others did not. They were ungrateful to the Muslims despite them giving the Jews their due rights and protecting the Jews from harm. Not only did they conspire to unite with the Pagans and attack the Muslims, but they even tried to assassinate the Prophet (ﷺ).
The Jews of Khaibar were one of those who betrayed the Muslims, but they were given some leeway and were allowed to stay in Khaibar under some conditions. However, the Prophet (ﷺ) told them, “What will your condition be when you are expelled from Khaibar and your camel will be carrying you night after night?” prophesying the Jews expulsion from Khaibar.
After the Prophet (ﷺ) passed away and Umar was the Caliph, the Jews of Khaibar betrayed the Muslims again, so Umar expelled them from Khaibar, fulfilling the prophecy [41].
Muslims will stop caring about whether their money is haram or not.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “A time will come when people will not care where they earned their money from; whether by lawful means or unlawful means.” [42] meaning they will not care if their wealth is haram or not, despite the harsh warnings against it.
The news of a far army.
Narrated Anas:
The Prophet (ﷺ) had informed the people about the death of Zaid, Ja`far and Ibn Rawaha before the news of their death reached them.
He said with his eyes flowing with tears, "Zaid took the flag and was martyred; then Ja`far took the flag and was martyred, and then Ibn Rawaha took the flag and was martyred. Finally, the flag was taken by one of Allah's Swords (i.e. Khalid bin Al-Walid) and Allah gave them (i.e. the Muslims) victory." [43].
People will pass through mosques without praying.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Some of the signs of the Hour is that a man will pass through a mosque without praying two rak’ahs and that he will only greet those he knows.” [44].
This ties into a past prophecy I’ve covered that stated that people will compete with the building of their mosques just like the People of the Book did. Nowadays, some mosques are seen as tourist destinations and areas to observe and take pictures of. That is partially because of the extravagance in design for the sake of competition, but a lack of knowledge and piety also plays a part.
People will recite Qur’an for the sake of reputation and fame.
Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah:
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) came to us while we were reciting the Qur'an, and there were among us bedouins and the non-Arabs. He said, “Recite, all is well. In the near future, there will appear people who will straighten it (the Qur’an) as an arrow is straightened. They will get their reward for it in this world and will not get it in the Hereafter.” [45].
Muslims will innovate things in the religion despite the clear warnings against it.
There are clear warnings in Islam from innovating new things in the religion. For example, new holidays, ways of worship, political structures, etc.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “The most evil matters are those that are newly invented, for every newly-invented matter is an innovation. Every innovation is misguidance, and every misguidance is in the Hellfire.” [46].
However, the Prophet (ﷺ) still said that the Muslims will innovate new things in the religion. In one narration the Prophet (ﷺ) says, “Some of my companions will come to me at my Lake Fount (on the Day of Judgement), and after I recognize them, they will then be taken away from me. I will say, ‘My companions!' Then it will be said, 'You do not know what they innovated (new things) in the religion after you." [47].
In another narration the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Those who came before you of the people of the Book split into 72 sects, and this ummah will split into 73: 72 in Hell and one in Paradise…” [48].
Those who are knowledgeable on what the earliest generations of Muslims did will recognize that there is a lot of religious innovation in our world today.
The fulfillment of a Prophetic dream.
The Prophet (ﷺ) would sometimes gain knowledge of the future through his dreams. Although this happened multiple times, this is just one example.
He (ﷺ) delivered a sermon where he said: “I saw in my dream that I was prostrating in mud and water.” The narrator of the hadith goes on to say:
“In those days, the roof of the mosque was made of branches of date-palm trees. At that time (when the Prophet gave his sermon) the sky was clear and no cloud was visible, but suddenly a cloud came and it rained. The Prophet (ﷺ) led us in the prayer and I saw the traces of mud on the forehead and on the nose of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ). So it was the confirmation of that dream." [49].
Muslims will make homosexual intercourse permissible.
The Prophet ﷺ said, “Once my nation considers five things permissible… [one being when] men suffice themselves with men and women suffice themselves with women.” [50].
As mentioned previously in prophecy #27, this is now a reality. Muslims have fallen into the same trap that Western Jews and Christians fell into and are following them even in making homosexual intercourse permissible. Even just 15 years ago, this would have sounded like an impossibility, and yet this is the world we live in today, predicted 1400+ years ago.
Islam will prevail and become clear over all other religions. This list has proven that.
“They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah refuses except to perfect His light, although the disbelievers hate it.
It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although they who associate others with Allah hate it.” [Qur’an 9:32-33]
Islam has been prophesied to become manifest over all other religions. With most of the other prophecies needed me to have an explanation of their fulfillment, this prophecy does not need one. This entire list itself is proof of the fulfillment of this prophecy.
What other religion has this much clear evidence for it? None. Nothing else can offer such clear verifiable proof. There have been over 100 fulfilled authentic Islamic prophecies, and there are only about three to nine prophecies left that will likely happen before the Major Signs come (Dajjal [the Antichrist], the Mahdi, etc.).
Every other religion has flaws in whatever proofs they attempt to bring. They will always have either disprovable claims, like false prophecies, or they will be struck down by what Islam offers. Any evidence that a non-Muslim attempts to bring for their religion is in Islam but better and more numerous.
"And say, “Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Falsehood is surely bound to vanish” [Qur’an 17:81]
Sunan al-Kubra by an-Nasa’i, Hadith #8858. Ibn Hajar said “good chain of narrators” in Fath al-Bari, commentary on Hadith #3875.
The Forbidden Prophecies, p. 62-65.
Ahkam al-Qur’an (4/1720)
Musnad Ahmed #10191
The Forbidden Prophecies, p. 67-68.
Ferguson, N. “The war of the world : history's age of hatred.” (2007). Introduction.
Collected by Ibn Abi Shayba in al-Musannaf (30355, 37586) and al-Hakim (8365) who deemed it authentic according to the criteria of Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, and adh-Dhahabi concurred.
Sahih al-Bukhari Book 24, Hadith 24, Sahih Muslim Book 44, Hadith 146
Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith: 4020, Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, Hadith: 24227. Also see: Sunan Abi Dawud, Hadith: 3681
Sharh al-Nawawi ‘ala Saheeh Muslim, 17/191
Al-Ishaa’ah li Ashraat il-Saa’ah, p. 119
Collected by Ahmad (2/176), and al-Hakim (4/468; 508, 555) who deemed it authentic according to the criteria of Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, and adh-Dhahabi concurred.
Sunan Abi Dawud Book 2, Hadith 59, Authenticated by al-Albani
al-Adab al-Mufrad Book 25, Hadith 18, Authenticated by al-Albani
Sahih al-Jami’ 3317, Authenticated by al-Albani
as-Silsilah as-Sahiha #3
Musnad Ahmed 6/35, Authenticated by Ahmed Shakir, Sahih al-Adab al-Mufrad 801
Musnad Ahmed 27198, graded Hasan in Fath al-Bari 13/46 by Ibn Hajar
Minhaaj as-Sunnah, 8/170
Narrated by at-Tabarani 9489, Authenticated by al-Albani
Sunan Abi Dawud Book 2, Hadith 440, Authenticated by al-Albani
Sunan an-Nasa’i 1578, Authenticated by al-Albani. Also see Sahih Muslim Book 30, Hadith 23
Sunan Abi Dawud Book 42, Hadith 2, graded Hasan by al-Albani and Sahih by Ibn Taymiyyah
Collected by al-Bayhaqi in Shu‘ab al-Eeman (5055) who deemed it strong; also deemed Hasan by al-Albani in Sahih at-Targhib (2054, 2386).
Model of the Prophets house (ﷺ)